Supporting the emotional lives of boys and their caregivers


Equipping boys with the necessary skills to retain their innate emotional intelligence


Praise from Experts:

“Build Up Boys delivers thoughtfully designed, evidence-backed exercises that use accessible language and engage boys in ways that are fun, practical, relatable, and meaningful. The launch of this impressive curriculum could not be more timely as we strive, with some urgency, to foster boys' connections to themselves and to others.”
–Judy Chu, Ed.D, Educator, Advisor, Researcher of Boys' Relationships and Development, and author of When Boys Become Boys

“Build Up Boys' curriculum is incredibly thoughtful and wonderful. I love that it all fits tozgether into one larger framework using what has come before.”
–Dr. Niobe Way, Professor of Developmental Psychology at New York University and author of DEEP SECRETS: Boys' Friendships and the Crisis of Connection.

"These days we are desperately looking for a way to raise healthy boys and young men with wisdom and humanity. Kimmi Berlin has done an outstanding job of creating a curriculum. It is one that is informed not only by evidence but also by heart. It is accessible, teachable, and fun."
–Dr. Ray Swann, Host of The Understanding Boys Podcast, Deputy Headmaster, Head of the Crowther Centre, Brighton Grammar School.