

Waiting at a window table, I fidget with the white table cloth at a sushi restaurant near Michael C. Reichert’s office. He didn’t email back the night before to confirm, so I’m not sure it’s actually happening.

When he enters the restaurant, my shoulders drop in relief.

I am elated to be sitting across the table from him; I have the attention of an expert in the world of boys and men!

Looking into his eyes, there is a rare depth and kindness that shines through. He is the “real deal,” as my college acting teacher would call students she thought had real talent. Michael is more present and empathetic than almost anyone I’ve ever met, and that’s saying a lot, given I have some awesome friends and colleagues.

He asks me where we are in the process, which at this point, isn’t very far, and then gives us great advice:

-Start a NGO
-Get a board together
-Hire a credible research organization to do an outcome eval

He recommends people we should reach out to, things we should think about. I feel incredibly grateful for his generosity of spirit and his time.

Count me as a fan for life.

Kimmi Berlin