Cultural Conversation

Why are boys doing badly at school?

Peer pressure, poor schooling and biology may all contribute

What’s The Matter With Men

By Idrees Kahloon

Boy Problems:

The manosphere promises to fix young men’s lives. Instead, it’s making them miserable.

By Eamon Whalan

Suicide rate among Black men and boys on the rise

By Anthony Hill

The ‘manning up of boys begins in the cradle.’ But what boys really need is emotional support from their dads

By Andrew Reiner

US trafficking report highlights cybers scams, exploited boys

The annual US Department of State report listed 24 countries in the lowest tier for human-trafficking protections.

Boys need 'lessons in bromance' to tackle mental health crisis in schools, says new book

By Taylor & Francis.

Chicago non-profit providing mental health services to Black men & boys

CBS News Chicago

'Face It': A safe space for men and boys to talk openly about mental health

The Men –– And Boys –– Are Not Alright

From The Ezra Kline Show

The Trouble With Boys and Men

By Conor Friedersdorf

'Mama's boy' is a flex, not an insult, for a new generation of men

By NPR’s Neda Ulaby

Boys Have Mood Swings, Too

I’ve Studied Body Image For 25 Years. Here’s What Boys Don't Know How To Tell You.

The masculine ideal of suppressing one's feelings has all kinds of awful repercussions

The data are clear: The boys are not all right

By Andrew Yang

What We Are Not Teaching Boys About Being Human

By Ruth Whippman


Building through affirmation: How one class helps Black boys define masculinity

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How to raise a boy: my mission to bring up a son fit for the 21st century

By Tom Lamont

What Does It Mean To Be A Man? Barack Obama Examines Masculinity On 'Art Of Power' Podcast

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Promising Young Woman Reiterated How Important It Is to Teach My Sons About Consent

By Kimmi Berlin, CEO Founder of Build Up Boys

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Are We Facing a Mental Health Crisis for Boys?


Boys may be hiding their feelings less amid the coronavirus pandemic

By Lisa Selin Davis, author of TOMBOY


It’s dangerous to be a boy


The Boys Are Not All Right

By Michael Ian Black, comedian and author of A Better Man: A (Mostly Serious) Letter to My Son

Morozov Photo/iStock, via Getty Images Plus


Raising Boys With a Broader Definition of Masculinity

Julie Beck interview with Michael C. Reichert

Gillette—known for being uber masculine with its former advertising tagline being “The Best A Man Can Get”—is even joining the conversation.

The ad received major backlash. Many men called for a boycott of Gillette, while others criticized Gillette for its cheap Commodity activism. Regardless of whether you liked it or not, it’s an important call for change.

What is going on with America’s boys

Vox interview with journalist Peggy Orenstein, author of Boys & Sex.


Today’s Masculinity is Stifling

Writer Sarah Rich talks about today’s boys and their lack of freedom to express a range of emotions.


Not Talking About Mental Health Is Literally Killing Men

By Sean Evans, Digital Director, Men's Health

Eric Rosati, via Getty Images


Armed and Misogynist: How Toxic Masculinity Fuels Mass Shootings

By Mark Follman, National Affairs Editor, Mother Jones


Men Resist Green Behavior as Unmanly

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Battle Hymn of the #Boymom

By Hazel Cills

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Leaders are Crying on the Job. Maybe That’s a Good Thing.

By Jessica Bennett (NYT May 3, 2020)


Men Who Aren’t Afraid of Tears

By Alexis Soloski

Image: Cole Barash for The New York Times


Parenting after #MeToo: changing the skewed ideals of masculinity should start at home

By Michael C Reichert


Men Can Have Better Friendships. Here's How



The Power of Positive Community for Boys

By Charis Denison


How Strengthening Relationships with Boys Can Help Them Learn

By educator and mother, Deborah Farmer Kris