
My first-grade son just completed the Build Up Boys pilot program. I am so impressed with the curriculum he experienced and immediately noticed a difference in him. When we signed up, I did so because I already thought we practiced these things at home and I thought it was in line with my parenting philosophy, however, this program really filled in the gaps and enriched his social and emotional vocabulary and his connection with himself and his feelings - in a relatively short period of time. One example that highlights this is, after the Build Up Boys program, my son asked me and other family members to stop giving him kisses on the lips. It was such an eye-opening moment where he completely set a healthy boundary, and began to practice body autonomy. I’m proud of him and the tools he has learned to advocate for himself.
— Mom of first grade boy
After participating in BUB’s curriculum test, my husband can’t stop telling people about Build Up Boys and the approach. He was so impressed by all of the research and thoughtfulness with which the program is being constructed. We’re total supporters and so excited about it!
— Mother of seven-year-old boy
BUB is amazing. I especially appreciated the mother’s group. I learned I have more biases against men than I thought and how that might affect my parenting. If I treat my husband as if he’s inept, then what is that teaching my son? I realized how much help I actually need. I’m dying for more!
— Mother of seven-year-old boy
Build up boys is so needed in our society. As a mother of a boy and a girl it is important to me that I’m not raising them according to old stereotypes and gender roles - but rather to be in touch with their emotions and feelings and able to process them appropriately. Our society medicates and escapes - learning at a young age to process emotions is essential for our growth as a society. And Build Up Boys is exactly that!
— Mother of seven-year-old boy
As the parent of a young boy, I have struggled to find resources and tools to support raising him in an environment that combats unhealthy pressure to meet harmful gender norms . Build Up Boys is offering just that. I am thrilled there is a program that is committed to helping parents raise their boys to be kind, empathetic, emotionally healthy and true to themselves. This program is interactive and offers both caregivers and children a dynamic and happy environment to explore their emotions and grow and learn together to build healthy and close relationships. Kudos to the design team who is filling a need that will benefit us all—emotionally happy and healthy boys!
— Mother of nine-year-old boy
When I learned about Build Up Boys I was excited about the implications of a program that could nurture and make space for the incredibly empathetic and gentler sides I see in my son. And by supporting parents in addressing their own patterning it goes deeper to the root of the imbalance. I fear without that kind of support it would be very easy for his sense of softness to slip away. Build Up Boys is a well researched and incredibly needed answer to a glaring hole that few have yet to address.
— Mother of four-year-old boy
After attending the Mom Focus Group I am so excited about Build Up Boys! I often struggle with how to navigate their various needs and emotions. Build Up Boys feels like it has the capacity to give both kids and parents an amazing tool kit to teach our adorable boys to be incredible men.
— Mother of two boys, ages six and 12
I have an 11 year old son (6th grade) who is having some difficulty connecting/making friends. Build Up Boys sounds like the perfect way for him to learn social emotional skills and make connections with other boys who might be struggling with the same thing.
— Mother of 11-year old son
I’m terrified of raising an asshole, or worse a rapist. I know everyone thinks it could never happen to them, not their kid, but when you look at the stats, you’d be a fool to think your son isn’t vulnerable or susceptible to societal pressure, that he doesn’t need help, a different approach, something. I can’t wait for Build Up Boys to come to our community.
— Mother of ten-year-old son.
Please add me to the list for Build Up Boys! I have a 7 year old that would be so appreciative of this!
— Mother of seven-year-old boy
My friend told me about Build Up Boys. I am very interested in getting more information for my fourth grader please. I’ve noticed he has totally shut down emotionally and I am worried.
— Mother of nine-year-old boy
Build Up Boys needs to exist. Our boys are suffering. My boy is suffering. This work is important.
— Mother of nine-year-old boy